HARPS is the platform of the Research Centre of the Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy whose main field of activity and ultimate goal is supervising and developing artistic research and performance studies. HARPS was set up in 2013 as part of the cultural development project called “Performer’s Polyfunctionality in Musical, Cultural and Social Processes” funded by the Lithuanian Research Council – a formation of scientific and artistic research, which will concentrate and develop the activities of LMTA’s doctoral students and researchers and will host events to promote explorative activities and to present findings from research.

HARPS aims to contribute innovative ideas from artistic and scientific research to the Lithuanian performance art and its professional study as well as to the development and international dissemination of artistic research. It envisages a broad range of themes and will compare various experiences that open new prospects for performing arts and performativity. Research into the planned themes will work well both in terms of gaining a deeper insight into and fostering cultural traditions and in terms of innovative use of creative and scientific potential. For the first time in Lithuania, this platform aims to:

  • based on the awareness of the need to develop and diversify existing studies on musical performance, offer an integrated analysis of the activities of music performers and of their cultural and social functions and contribute to the creation of interdicsiplinary models to investigate the art of music performance;
  • use the potential of the Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy in strengthening the links between the analysis of musical performance and studies on theatre and dance performativity;
  • seeking to establish an interface between scientific studies, artistic research and performing practice, initiate national and international events with sustainable legacy including creative workshops, master classes, research festivals, etc.